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Unexpected Kindness



—Bob Kerrey

 Kindness is the universal language that is comprehended beyond the boundaries. Each and every individual understands and speaks this language. An act of kindness never goes futile. If you are kind to someone it will reflect in your and his behaviour. Being kind to others instills a positive feeling and makes this world a better place to live.

Kindness is one of the seven virtues. It can be defined as the righteous and caring attitude towards other. But the definition of the kindness does not limit to these two words only. Kindness is a complex term to comprehend yet simplest to realize. Showing kindness towards others gives a feeling of joy and mirth to the recipient. The doer is also satiated by the feeling of warmth and compassion. Kindness is the basic driving force of the nature. The nature is so kind to us that it helps in flourishing the civilizations. The rising sun and the wandering clouds are all the miracles of nature only. Though, the perspective completely changes with the scientific reasoning, yet everyone agrees that the whole cosmos conspires to sustain life and hope.

Kindness is taught by every religion. Be it Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism or Islam or any other religion to name, all teach to express kindness towards others. The term is not only restricted to human implementation. But cruelty against all the living creatures is a sin. Even the mute animals wave their tail as a return gesture to kindness shown to them. Similar response is shown by plants. They grow large and bear fruits as a response to the kind behaviour of their care taker. Nature has own ways of expressing gratitude and kindness.

Kindness is not a virtue to be adopted or showcased in specific situations. Rather, it should be imbibed as the basic behavioural attribute by the human beings. Kindness is not only a religious virtue. But it can be very well adjusted in all spheres of life. Being kind to your siblings or peers helps to build a strong family foundation. Showing kindness to neighbours and colleagues help in developing a positive social environment. Even the small considerations and selfless acts of kindness may help in growing business in leaps and bounds. As said earlier, the language of kindness is comprehended by each and every living being. If you have been kind to someone by ignoring his small fault or simply said, ‘never mind, take care next time’, will always be remembered by that person. You never know! You might have hit the jackpot. As the most of the times selfless deeds result in the most favourable and flourishing deals of the life.

‘What goes around comes around’. So, just be polite and kind in your behaviour and the same will come back to you. Being kind to self is equally important as being kind to others. Don’t be harsh to yourself and give space to the trivial mistakes in life. As, we only learn by committing mistakes. Learn from the experience and move ahead in the positive direction.

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