Easy Pudding
Eggs—————————-3 Nos
Milk——————————500 ml
Bread Slice——————–2 Nos
Sugar—————————75 ml
Elaichi Powder or Vanilla Essence(1 or 2 drops)
Cut Fuits (to garnish)
* Boil milk and add sugar.
* Allow the milk to cool.
* Cut the edges of the bread and soak in milk.
* Stir well till it becomes semi-fluid.
* Beat the eggs well.
* Mix eggs ,milk mixture and elaichi powder (or vanilla essence).
* Grease the bottom of the pudding mould or a small vessel with sugar granules.
* Place cashews.
* Now pour the mixture into the vessel.
* Place the pudding mould in a pan with water .Close it with lid.
* Steam for 30 minutes.
* Remove the pudding mould and turn it upside down.
* Serve hot.
* Pudding can also be served cold after refridgerating for 1 to 2 hours
* Garnish with cut fruits
Pudding is a healthy dish. Kids like it a lot. When served hot, is good for cold and cough.